This January marks a year of "Batdance + Neon Shoelaces," a blog I set up as a portfolio. I have experimented with a few things on my blog, and will continue to do so into the new year. It's weird having a blog without limits. This definitely isn't my first blog, but this is the first one that I am not limiting to a certain topic. I have toyed with the idea of limiting the blog to only writing and photography, but what I do in my life tends to intertwine with my career ambitions a lot, and as my life evolves, I want my blog to reflect such changes. I want to document these changes, so I can better reflect on them come next January.
Blogs are weird. I certainly am confused what I will do with this blog, because it bores me to only put up writing and photography I do on assignment. I want to document life, no matter what. I want this to be a slice of my life. We're all digital now, and so our memories must be, too. Long gone are the days where we stored our pasts in shoe boxes. (I still do!)
So, first things first. I really want to get my freelance writing and photography career going this year. I think it will be fairly easy, because I am very open to the kind of work I will do. But I need to start working, and getting back into a daily grind. College kicked my ass, I'm not gonna lie. It made me never wanna work too hard at anything, forever. But, I'm bored with cutting loose, and I'm ready to grab onto the future I've had my eyes set on my whole life.
That said, here are some resolutions:
1. Kick start freelance writing and photography career.
2. Learn how to rock at query letters.
3. Have this blog become a reflection of my life, as a whole...without getting too 'out there.'
4. Pay off bills.
5. Buy more photography gear, and learn as much as possible about the field.
6. Get more involved in local art, music, writing, photography and bike communities.
7. Kick start my own business, which is currently under wraps.
8. Join a gym.
9. Learn to sew, screen-print, and other DIY awesomeness.
10. Become an expert on all things MPLS.
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